Healthy Relationship Checkup
Your teeth last longer if you get them checked regularly.
Your heart lasts longer with checkups as well.
Why not get a checkup for your relationship?
West Towne Christian Church offers these checkups for free, because we want your relationship to be everything you dreamed it could be.
Whether you rate the health of your relationship as a ‘0’ or a ’10’ on a 10-point scale or anywhere in between, it will do you both good to get a free checkup.
During the first 1-hour session, we’ll explore your relationship history and then look at 3 of your relationship strengths and 3 of your relationship concerns.
During the second 1-hour session, you’ll be given practical ideas to help address your concerns and strengthen your relationship.
Fill out this form, and we’ll have one of our trained team members contact you to schedule the first of your two 1-hour sessions.
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