Facility Usage
We are very thankful for the facilities with which God has blessed West Towne Christian Church and want them to be used for His glory. We have been and will continue to be very intentional about using the facilities to the maximum benefit of the community and God’s Kingdom. In light of this philosophy, we host several ministries that are not directly affiliated with West Towne but with whom we are proud to partner. We will continue to be open to God’s leading for additional partnerships in the future.
In order to accomodate the many ministries of West Towne and the partner organizations, we are diligent about requiring all events to be properly scheduled and supervised. This ensures that the facility is available and ready for use when scheduled events occur. If you are interested in scheduling an event, please contact the church office at 865-357-9822 or by email at wtcc@followjesus.org.
Below are a few lines from of our Facility Usage Policy to consider before contacting our Office Manager:
- The facility must be reserved at least two weeks in advance.
- The facility may be reserved up to one year in advance.
- Church ministries have first priority when it comes to all facilities. The church may reschedule or remove your reservation with a one month notice.
- The fees associated with using the facility will be explained by our office staff.
- Requests for long term usage or recurring usage must be approved by the Resource Minister.
- Use of the facilities to sell merchandise or services must be approved by the Staff Leadership Team.
- Approved applications must be scheduled on the church calendar by the office staff.
If you serve as one of our Facility Hosts and need initial access to the facility, click this link.