9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822

Campus Care

Join us this Saturday morning, July 20, anytime from 8am-noon for campus care activities for all ages. There is a long list of both easy and difficult tasks that need done to make our facility and grounds cleaner, safer, and more inviting. Here are some of the main tasks:

  • Remove furniture and carpet from 2 classrooms to prepare for new carpet being installed on Monday, July 22.
  • Spread new mulch on the large playground.
  • Trim bushes and trees throughout the property.
  • Perform safety inspections.
  • Pressure wash sidewalks, tables, and chairs.
  • Remove cobwebs from throughout interior.
  • Vacuum, mop, and wipe interior surfaces.
  • And many more…

Here’s a complete list of tasks sorted by priority and task number.

Here’s a complete list of tasks sorted by category of task.

Here’s a complete list of tasks sorted by location.

Here’s a list of tasks that are Child-Friendly.

If you plan to come this Saturday, fill out the form below. If you’d like to claim a task, you can note it on the form. If you can’t make it to the Campus Care event but are willing to take on a task at your own availability, you can note it on the form, as well.

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