Dr. Walt Zorn (a.k.a. “Son of Zorn”) will lead us through Psalms on Wednesday nights through December. For 25 years Dr. Walter Zorn was Academic Dean and Professor of Old Testament and Biblical languages (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic) at Lincoln Christian Seminary. He currently teaches Pentateuch and Isaiah at Johnson University. He received his bachelor’s degree from Point University (Atlanta), Lincoln Christian Seminary (Semitic Languages), and His PhD from Michigan State University (Philosophy, History, Religious Studies). His dissertation was: “Mark and the Samaritans.”
Walt served churches in Westville, Catlin, and Auburn, Illinois. He loves to laugh, listen, and give insights. He says, “We will have a good time!”
The classes run from 6:30 to 7:30 PM immediately following a low cost fellowship meal that begins at 5:30 PM.
Categories: Adults