9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822

Author Archive: admin

Gifts for Ghana

In partnership with Training Tomorrow’s Leaders, we’re collecting Gifts for Ghana. Pick up a list in the lobby of the many items you can bring to help our brothers and sisters in Ghana. Our missionary partners in Ghana, Austin and Amanda Ganyo, will received the items in a shipping container and distribute them to the […]

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Fall Break

There will be no Wednesday meals or activities on October 11 due to Fall Break. Enjoy your time with family and friends, and we’ll be back together on October 18.

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Monday Evenings

F.A.S.T. Women Life is FAST! Our lives sometimes move so fast that we don’t get a chance to connect with other women or plug in to our church or local communities. This fall, we are starting a group called F.A.S.T Women. Don’t laugh! The acronym stands for Fellowship and Service Team Women. No one will […]

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Build a Shed

Though it has been almost a year since the Gatlinburg fires, there are a lot of families still trying to rebuild their homes. In the meantime, the International Disaster Emergency Service (I.D.E.S.) is providing pre-fab sheds to provide a place for families to secure their belongings. At least one family has even taken up temporary […]

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Solar Eclipse

Unless you are living under a rock you know that on Monday afternoon, August 21st there will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to witness a total solar eclipse. The path of the total eclipse is approximately 80 miles wide and cuts a diagonal across the state of Tennessee. The northern edge of the […]

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4.5.6 on 6/21

4.5.6 Grade – June 21 TOP SECRET – The first expedition for 4th-6th graders will be leaving WTCC on Wednesday, June 21st at 9:30 am. Please have your kids either bring or wear a swim suit, bring a towel, and bring a sack lunch.  We plan to be back at WTCC around 3:30pm. Sign up below and contact […]

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KARM Donations

We are excited to host the Knox Area Rescue Ministries Thrift Store Donation Trailer from Thursday, April 20 through Sunday, April 23 in the lower parking lot. Bring your donation items between the hours of 9am – 6pm. If you are willing to help accept donations and write contribution receipts, you can sign up for […]

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