Baskets of Hope

Would you like an opportunity to share your blessings and help those in need this Thanksgiving? Baskets of Hope provide families in need with a complete Thanksgiving dinner for up to six people. Bob and Debbie Ross have volunteered to coordinate our efforts by picking up 75 “Baskets of Hope” from Knox Area Rescue Ministries and having them available for you to pick up, fill, and return to the church by November 15. Bob and Debbie will then deliver them back to KARM.
Basic Instructions:
- Pick up a box or boxes in the lobby by November 11
- Purchase the listed items (must be exact sizes listed)
- Decorate the box (optional)
- Write a check for $15 payable to KARM to cover the cost of the turkey
- Return the box to the lobby by Sunday, November 15
- Place the check in the basket in the lobby, by Sunday, November 15
This is a great project to involve the whole family in Thanksgiving!
Categories: Adults, Children, Family Ministries