9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822


Resources Available

We believe your family matters! Here are some resources to help your marriage and family: Practical Parenting: Looking for a free parenting seminar with breakout sessions for parenting from birth through 5th Grade and technology for today’s teens? Dr. Heather Wallace and Heather Kyle-Harmon will lead a seminar on May 11 from 9am-noon at Powell […]

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Camp Work Day

Camp Work Day We look forward to what God has in store at camp this summer. Let’s join people from around the camp area on April 27, roll up our sleeves, and do what we can to improve the facilities where God does amazing things. There are clean-up & fix-up tasks for all skill levels. […]

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Wednesday Meals

On Wednesdays evenings at 5:30pm, you can get a great meal for $5 per person or $12 per family. There is usually plenty for late-comers until about 6:15pm, but getting there close to 5:30pm guarantees you food and gives you more time to hang out with friends and family around the tables.

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Family Fun

Join us February 17 from 2-4 PM for our Red Carpet Movie Premiere. This will be a fun event for the whole family.We will be watching Peter Rabbit (2018).Have your children walk the red carpet dressed as their favorite movie character or in their favorite outfit. Bring lawn chairs or a blanket for your family […]

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Wednesday Elective

PARENTING:  A     SURVIVAL     GUIDE Come join this 5-week elective to learn ways to better parent children of all ages. After all, they don’t stay little very long. The elective begins September 19 and goes through October 24 with no class on October 17 due to Knox County Spring Break.

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