9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822


Wednesday Meals

On Wednesdays evenings at 5:30pm, you can get a great meal for $5 per person or $12 per family. There is usually plenty for late-comers until about 6:15pm, but getting there close to 5:30pm guarantees you food and gives you more time to hang out with friends and family around the tables.

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Family Fun

Join us February 17 from 2-4 PM for our Red Carpet Movie Premiere. This will be a fun event for the whole family.We will be watching Peter Rabbit (2018).Have your children walk the red carpet dressed as their favorite movie character or in their favorite outfit. Bring lawn chairs or a blanket for your family […]

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Nature Hike for 4th-6th Graders

Calling all 4th, 5th, and 6th Graders!! Pack a lunch, grab a water bottle, and put on your hiking boots! On Thursday, June 28 we will head to Ijams Nature Center for a day of fun. Plan to leave the church at 9am and return around 3pm. Make sure to sign up your friend, as […]

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Hope for Pine Ridge

Throughout the month of May there will be a collection area in the lobby for donations to meet the basic needs of the Lakota families. We are asking for new items such as towels, washcloths, blankets, socks, underwear, or toiletries. To give a monetary donation fill out the form below and select “to 28-Youth Missions” […]

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October 29

Calling All Families! You are invited to a FREE Family Festival of Fun in the Family Life Center Sunday, October 29 4PM-7PM Enjoy bounce houses, a zip-line, punkin chunkin, games, crafts, a fire truck, face painting, door prizes, and more! Hot Dogs and s’mores will be served. It will be fun for all ages in […]

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