9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822

November 23

Join us on Saturday, November 23, from 9am-3pm for the 12th Annual WTCC Craft Fair Fundraiser.

Crafters from the surrounding area will be together in the comfort of the WTCC Family Life Center selling their crafts.

There is a wide variety of crafts from homemade jewelry to embroidered toilet paper.  (Yes you read that right, embroidered toilet paper)

Shop here for your Christmas gifts.  There is something for everyone!

Proceeds from this event go to help support our Missions both locally and globally.

If you’d like flyers to promote this event at your work place or other location, contact the church office at 865-357-WTCC (9822).  

If you are interested in renting a booth at the fair, you’ll find all the information you need below…

Registration Information & Requirements:

  1. Booth fee is $40
  2. A limited number of 6’ tables are available for $5 ea. 2 chairs will be provided.
  3. Early Setup is Friday November 22nd from 6-8pm, or Saturday, November 23, 7:30-9 am. There will be several of the students available to help unload and carry Fri. night and Sat. You may park and unload at the gym entrance (downstairs rear of building) but cars must be moved to the upper parking lot prior to the Sat 9:00am opening. Booths must be set up by 9 am Saturday.
  4. Only handmade or handcrafted items are to be sold. No direct sales/home party or items prepared from kits allowed Please make yourself aware of Copyright laws.
  5. There will be a limited number of double booths this year since so many wanted to get in our craft fair last year.
  6. Please keep booth open until we close at 3:00 Please clean up your booth area after the close. Crafters are responsible for any damage they incur on the church property.
  7. No refund after November 1, 2024
  8. Coffee/hot chocolate, and lunch will once again be available, proceeds go to our Missions, as do the booth fees.

If this is your first year with us, please send photos of your craft with application.

You can submit your application electronically below or print and mail your application application. Once your application is approved, you will be sent payment instructions. Upon approval you will have 3 days to submit payment.

Contact Sandy Tanaka if you have any questions.

  • Please describe each craft you plan to sell
  • Booths are 10' wide and 8' deep (price increased by $5 after 8/4/23)
    Price: $40.00 Quantity:
  • Price: $5.00 Quantity:
  • You will receive a confirmation email if your application is accepted with a link to our online payment portal.
  • Upload as many photos as necessary to show new craft entries (maximum file size is 512MB)
    Drop files here or

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