9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822

Super People Donate Soup

The Super Bowl is coming February 2, and once again the high school youth at WTCC will travel to Knox Area Rescue Mission to prepare and serve a meal for the residents there.  Following the meal we will host a Super Bowl party during the game.


We normally feed hundreds, so we’ll need umpteen gallons of homemade chili and chicken noodle soup. If you can help provide chili or chicken noodle soup, sign up on the form below and bring your chili and chicken noodle soup donations to church Sunday morning, February 2.

If you don’t want to cook, we are also accepting monetary donations to pay for crackers, vegetables, candy, drinks, snacks, etc. for the meal and party.   You may place monetary donations in the pot at the back of the Worship Center on Sunday, January 26, or Sunday, February 2.

Contact Marshall Barnett for more info at marshall@followjesus.org or 357-9822.

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